Frequently Asked Questions about a Virtual Magician
What software do I need for a virtual magic show?
Zoom is a popular choice of software for virtual events and is especially good for online magic and mind reading shows. Other software choices include Webex by Cisco, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Remo or BlueJeans.
How easy is it to set up Zoom to host Zoom Magic show?
Setting up Zoom for a magic show is super easy. The Zoom magician will take you through all the steps necessary to achieve an optimum performance.
How much will a Zoom Magician cost for a Virtual Event?
A Zoom Magician or a Virtual Magician can cost between £200 to £2000 if you are in the UK or $250 to $2500 if you are in the USA, depending on the type of show and the expertise of the performer.
How can I book a Zoom Magician?
You can book a Zoom Magician by going to https://virtualmagician.co.uk/contact/ and filling out the contact details and they will get back to you with a quote.
Will Virtual Online Magic Shows and Zoom Magic Shows be available after the lockdown?
Virtual Online Magic Shows and Zoom Shows will be around even after the lockdown and social distancing ends. The feedback we have had from clients has been phenomenal so they are here to stay. They are perfect for company energisers, virtual award ceremonies, virtual conference and networking events and even virtual private parties.
I am really useless with computers can I still book a Zoom Magician for my event?
Yes our Virtual Magician is a technology expert and will guide you through everything you need to know for the smooth running of your virtual event or online party. The Virtual Magician can host your event for you he uses a piece of software called Zoom which now we are over a year into the pandemic most people know what it is. You will be sent a link and all you need to do is click on the link and enjoy the show!
What is the limit on the amount of people that can watch a Virtual or Zoom Magic Show?
The number of people that can watch a Zoom magic show is 1000 video participants. After 1000 it is best to stream the Zoom show through a 3rd party platform, like a private Facebook group or private YouTube link. The Zoom Magic Show works really well with 4 screen all the way up to 20 screens. The Zoom Magician tries to include and involve as many people as he can within the show to make it as interactive and engaging as possible.
What kind of tricks does a Zoom or Virtual Magician perform?
A Zoom or Online Virtual Magician performs all kinds of interactive magic and mind reading routines, one example would be the magician writes a word down on a piece of paper and holds it up to the screen but the back of the paper is held up so the spectators can’t see the word. The Zoom Magician or Virtual Magician then asks one of the spectators to say a word, the Zoom Magician then turns the paper around and he has written that exact thought of word! It is best to watch some of the showreels on this website so get a better idea of the kind of reactions you can expect.
How long has the Virtual Magician or Zoom Magician been performing these types of online magic shows?
Virtual Online Magic shows exploded as soon as then pandemic hit the world and social distancing and lockdowns appeared everywhere. However, Keelan, the Virtual Magician’s, background is in technology and digital magic and was well known as an iPad Magician so the transition was very natural for him due to his mindset of performing magic with computer screens and the virtual environment.